paul butler

Book of Monsters coming to Germany on Blu-ray, DVD & VOD from Tiberius Film

We're delighted to announce that Book of Monsters will be released in Germany on DVD & Blu-ray on January 2nd 2020 by Tiberius Film. Both versions feature a Dolby Digital 5.1 mix with the choice of German or English spoken language.

CLICK HERE to Pre-order the film on Blu-ray

CLICK HERE to Pre-order the film on DVD

book of monsters bluray lyndsey craine stewart sparke

Book of Monsters Premieres on Sky TV in New Zealand

New Zealand fans can watch BOOK OF MONSTERS when it premieres Monday 21st October on SKY. We're on Sky Movies Extra just before a small indie film called Avengers: Infinity War!

If you're a New Zealand SKY GO customer you can watch the film on the App anytime here:

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3.5/5 Stars: "This independent horror effort serves up monsters, madness, and murder in a Lovecraftian creature feature"

A great review of The Creature Below from Joseph Perry for That's Not Current.

Independent British horror film The Creature Below combines the dire dread of Lovecraft with the excitement of creature features and even the manic terror of psycho-killer films. Director Stewart Sparke has crafted a nifty, taut shocker with a gripping story and enjoyable practical effects.  

Rating: 3.5/4 Stars

the creature below